Did you know that hummingbirds are always 1 hour away from starving to death? They are always flapping those little wings so fast, it makes you tired just watching them. Our pastor told us today how eagles on the other hand, can go miles without flapping their wings. They instead rely on the wind current below to help them soar!
I thought about that today and have been learning that I have been a little hummingbird. Trying to do things that I thought were "good" but constantly falling short. I make myself tired! I'm learning that it's really not about all the stuff we do, even if we think we are doing it for Jesus. It's about the time we spend with Him. It's such a slow fade from trusting Him with everything...to start thinking that you can do it yourself. And before you know it, your walking through this life doing things your way, wondering why your always worn out and burnt out?
Fortunately, God has been teaching me that there is an answer for this problem of mine and my need to feel that I have to control everything! It's actually pretty easy to do, but takes some time to practice. I'm learning that I have to "re-train" my stubborn brain b/c it wants to keep doing things the old fashioned way-the hummingbird way! But His way is much more inviting, much more peaceful, and much less work. And once you see it done His way, you never want to return to the old way.
I told you recently about my little prayer jar. That has helped me tremendously b/c it reminds me when I want to get frustrated or try to "fix" something that I already gave it to Him and that He is taking care of it. And so I realized there is a 3rd part to the equation! TRUST=PEACE...yes! But it doesn't stop there b/c when we TRUST and God gives us PEACE, he also gives us STRENGTH! And this does not come from us, it only comes from Him. He gives us the strength to do ALL things through Him-with His eyes, His heart, His way. It's like going from "tunnel vision" to "wide-screen vision!" And who wants to return to tunnel vision when you can see it on a wide-screen! Ain't happening! Out with the hummingbird...I'd much rather ride with the EAGLE!
And those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles, run and not grown weary, walk and not faint!
Amanda that is awesome. I know what you are talking about. That is interesting and I pray for you and Larry. Pray for us as it has taking 1 yr for us to really have our mind to accept what our heart has wanted and that is to move on and serve the Lord. Chico has been called to Glen Rose and we are so excited to be going that direction at the end of the summer. He begins part time this summer. We need to Soar like eagles so lets both do that. Love you guys.