
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

God opens doors

Well, I was driving to San Marcos on Saturday morning, when I decided to turn the radio off. It was then, that I noticed something different with the clouds. It looked like I was driving right into Ecuador. The clouds were a dark gray color and so it made them look like mountains with white at the top. That got me thinking about our journey, and how God has been so good to conquer my fears!

I guess we all come up with excuses/fears as to why we "can't" do something. My first fear was that we might not be accepted with HCJB for one reason or another. I remember feeling nervous about all the interviews. The morning before we left, I opened up my bible study and read in Genesis. This was the verse for the day: 4:7 "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" As I read those words, God gave me a peace in my heart, and I knew it would all work out. I just had to wait to hear the words.

About a week after our interviews, Chrystal from HCJB called to let us know that we had been accepted! My heart raced and was filled with joy! I was so excited to tell Larry. The only dilemma was when to go to training. We couldn't go in August b/c school was starting. Larry couldn't go in February b/c at the time no one could take vacation in February due to ratings at the station. So that meant June, a whole year later. So I prayed, and God answered. Larry came home one day in September. He said, "Hey babe, guess what? You know how we couldn't take vacation in Feb.? Well, they sent out an email today saying they are going to lift that ban." Wow! That's awesome!

Then around Christmas I began to wonder about this support raising that we were going to have to do. Psalm 121 was so encouraging "I lift my eyes up to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." One morning at church, someone asked me how things were going and when we would be going to training. I was really excited b/c I had just had breakfast with some missionaries from HCJB at a friends house. I told him that we would be going in Febr. He asked if we had bought our tickets yet, to which I replied "No, not yet." He then said, "Well, I think we can take care of that." Wow! Oh my goodness! God was already providing, and we hadn't even technically started!

All of that to say, don't let your fears hold you back! God has a way of walking you through them. I look back and smile as I praise God for encouraging me through his Word, his beauty, and his people! What an amazing God we serve!

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