
Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Let the little children come to me." -Jesus

     When I think about the kids who do not have a home, something begins to stir in my heart.  When I hear about these places, my heart begins to beat faster.  And when I go and visit these places, I have a strong peace and assurance that the Lord is doing something!
     Larry and I recently visited 2 different children's homes in Coronado Costa Rica.  One is in the process of being built, and the other one already had children living there.  I took a walk outside and just spent some time soaking it all in.  I have had so many thoughts of what I imagine to be "amazing!"  It looks something like this:

      A place where children can call home.  Somewhere in the mountains, out of the hussle and bussle of life-where they are free to be kids.  A place to have a garden and live off the land.  Somewhere that may have a river or stream near by, and who knows... maybe even a school!
     When we visited the 2nd home, it pretty much matched the above description.  A few weeks ago the Lord showed me this verse in Isaiah:  "New things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." 
     I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us and to be a part of HIStory!


  1. We know exactly how you feel and that is why we are opening Hope of Honduras Children's Home in give children a place to live, be a kid have parents who love them and hug and them and most importantly share the Love of Jesus Christ with them....

  2. Happy, happy times!! PTL
    looks awesome to see the surroundings. A lot prettier than H-town. lol
