Turning 30 makes some people afraid. For others, it is exciting. For me, I rejoice! September 12th was not only the day I was born, it was the day I was BORN AGAIN! It was the day that God reached down and saved me, the day that He opened the door, the day that He set me free. It was the day that God sang over me!
It was Sept. 12, 1999, my sophomore year in college. I was at a little church called Martindale Baptist. That day was college Sunday, I had to sit in the aisle in a fold up chair b/c there were so many people. The preacher was a college student named Scott Mills. The more he preached God's word, the more God tugged on my heart. At the end of the service, our pastor gave an invitation to accept Christ. I stood there, frozen in my tracks. I wanted to go forward, but I was stuck. Stuck in fear. I thought that maybe my Mom would be upset (she had raised me Catholic and had passed away 5 years earlier). I felt that in some way, I would be leaving what we shared together. Tears began to flow down my face. I prayed and cried out for God to help me. That is when He answered me. Shortly after, the organist changed songs and began to play Amazing Grace (the song that was played at my Mom's funeral). As the song played, a peace and comfort that can only come from above swept over me. It was if my mom were saying, "It's okay...go!" I smiled, and walked to the front. That day I gave my life to Christ, knowing that His love was so much more real than anything I had ever known.
I realize now, that it was God singing over me! Zephaniah 3:17 says, "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
Isn't it amazing! God sings over us! And for the first time, in a long time, I felt like I was living. For the first time, I was ALIVE! I look back and I thank you Lord for all you have done for me. All I want to do, is give my life back to you! Thank you for opening my eyes and setting me free. Thank you for AMAZING GRACE!
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