
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Being Surprised by God...

This week has been AMAZING! Last weekend when we reached 63%, we were so excited! We weren't sure what it all meant b/c it happened so fast. A few friends were praying "specifically" for us, so I decided to give it a try.

In the past, I haven't prayed specifically b/c I didn't want to feel like I had to have it my way. But when we received a big amount after someone prayed for a big amount, and when we reached "60% before school started" like another person prayed... I began to wonder if I should pray specifically. I am reminded of the verse in Matthew: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

So I began to pray that by this Saturday, 1 week later, that God would get us to 75%! Something I am also learning is that I need to wait patiently for Him to do it His way. To give it to Him and not try to do it myself... a lesson I'm continually being reminded of:-)

On Monday I had lunch with a friend who is already supporting us. Before I could even tell her anything she told me how her landlord was going to cut her rent back. She said that she told God that whatever the amount was-that she would give 1/2 of it to us each month. She was thinking it would be around $25. Nope, it was $75... a month! That's when the tears started to flow. I knew it was the beginning to seeing God provide in ways I never thought!

Tuesday was a different surprise! I found 4 cucumbers in my garden (that I thought was dead!) God was encouraging me to not give up. Just when you least expect it-there's the fruit!

Wednesday, just when I thought the day was over, someone called and helped us out with something we really needed. I just laughed as I was walking home and thanked God... for yet another surprise that I wasn't expecting.

And then today, we thought we were at 66%, and as we were working on the next newsletter, we went up to 70%!

So, you can imagine... I'm looking forward to the next 2 days just wondering what God is gonna do next! The rest of the verse in Matthew rings true for me..."If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"

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