I was driving home the other day when the song, "Praise You in the Storm" came on the radio. I have always loved that song because it helps me to take the focus off of myself and put it back on God. Then I began to reminisce about lessons that God has taught us the past few years, and how those lessons have prepared us for what lies ahead.
I'll start with myself. It all started after graduating from college. I have always wanted to be a teacher. I grew up hearing my grandparents (Mom's side) speak French, which I thought was really neat. I thought it would be really cool to teach Spanish, that way I could learn a new language too. The mission trips I went on in college confirmed that desire for me. I wanted to learn Spanish so I could communicate with even more people. So I graduated with a major in Spanish and was able to spend 6 weeks in Mexico one summer studying the language. However, in order to teach a foreign language, you have to take an Oral Proficiency Test. That didn't come so easily. Every time I took it, I missed the mark by 1 point. After the 3rd time of taking it and failing, I was discouraged. I wondered if my dream of teaching would ever come to fruition. Everything I worked so hard for in college would not mean anything if I couldn't pass this test to teach the subject I loved.
I remember sitting at church one night. I felt that God was asking me to trust HIM-completely with my career. I felt a strong peace come over me and was confidant that it would all work out. So I smiled and said, "Okay God, its in your hands."
I'd like to say the next time I took the test that I passed, but I failed the 4th time as well. I was confused. I was even angry and at the end of my rope. "Lord, I don't know what else to do! I have tried everything!" There was silence. And in that silence I heard, "Just answer the question." You are probably thinking- Duh! But with the TOPT, they tell you to expand on your answers as much as possible to show how much you know. So here God is telling me to do the opposite, and leave the rest to Him. So that is what I did. I just answered the question. I remember just staring at the wall during the test b/c I had so much extra time left over, thinking there was no way this would work.
Six weeks later, the scores came in. The letter felt different this time. I opened it up. . . "Score: PASSED" It was one of the best days of my life! Tears of joy streamed down my face. I didn't know if I should cry, dance, or fall on my face thanking God for a miracle! I was running all over the house, doing all three. Larry happened to call minutes later and we rejoiced together over the phone, both of us in tears. It was a true testimony of God intervening for me when I let go- and let Him take the wheel!
Through that experience God taught me many lessons. First, to praise Him even when things aren't going my way. Second, to listen and trust that what He says. . .He will do. God is faithful! And lastly, to obey. Even when it doesn't make sense to me!
eHi Amanda! I finally visited your blog and read them all. I am so excited about this journey for you guys. It is everything and more than what we thought it would be. Be excited, be very excited.