Are you tired? Burnt out? Ready to walk out? If so, if you don't know what to do, maybe this song will help you too. I pray that if you are at this place in your life now, that this will touch your heart in some way as you listen to and contemplate the words in this song by Mercy Me. If you can't hear it, turn up the volume, close your eyes, and know that His blood was shed for you!
Do you know that Jesus sings over you? In Zephaniah 3:17 it says, "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." When you can't take it anymore, when you are feeling the pain of loss or depression, He is there. Do you ever just feel like throwing your hands in the air because you can't recall the sunshine on your face? Are you ready to walk out of your "situation." I pray that you will stop and climb up in His lap and allow Jesus to sing over you if you are wondering if you will make it through.
Keep singing and praising His name. Even when it hurts, despite your circumstances, no matter where you are, keep singing. Be still and know that He is God! He is everything you need. Do not listen to the world nor conform to the desires of the world. You will make it, for He upholds you with His right hand. You will and can find healing through Jesus alone. Jesus is everything you need, you can not find it in people, places, or things.
This blog was written from my heart and from my own struggles. Sometimes, I want to give up and let go. Ironically, I think that is exactly what He wants me to do, to give it to Him so I am not controlling it anymore. As I write, I have family and friends in mind that are also going through hard times. Know that we are praying for you, praying that you will hold and run to Jesus when you are "stuck." We pray that you will find healing in Jesus. We desire for you to know His amazing love, for He loves you so very much! If you need prayer, please contact us so we can pray specifically and intercede for you.
Love, Amanda and Larry
Thank you for sharing this! Good song. I could definitely identify with the first part...another rainy day, no sunshine on my face! Don't know if you had the same kind of weather in Quito that we've had in Bogotá for the past year, but those lyrics were quite literally true for a long time!