
Friday, September 3, 2010

We made it!!!

Thank you to all who were praying for us on Wednesday!  I have to say, I felt so calm and at peace that everything would work out okay with getting all 3 of us to Ecuador.  Callie did great and was eager to give everyone kisses when she got out of her cage.  We even had a welcoming party to greet us when we walked out of the gate at the airport.

When we got to our "temporary" home (we are house-sitting until January) we gave thanks to God for such a smooth trip.  We started the process in October of 2006 and arrived in Ecuador September 1st, 2010.  It has been a process, and we are so thankful for His faithfulness.

We were able to have dinner with our big brother and sister on Wednesday and played a game called "Quelf."  Let's just say that "it didn't take long to break the ice."  Ralph (our big brother) had to tap dance while telling an embarrasing story and before the night was over we all had to go by nicknames like "marshmallow shmunchkin', kissy pants, pookey, and punkin' doodle."

Thursday we had fun grocery shopping and noticed they have much more to choose from here than in Costa  Rica.  I (Amanda) stood in the shampoo/conditioner aisle forever b/c there were just too many choices!

The first thing you notice in Ecuador is that the people seem much shorter and everyone wears jackets, scarves, and warm boots.  I wasn't quite prepared for that!  But we were able to make a big pot of taco soup and break in the fireplace!  As the sun was going down, the clouds parted and for the first time, we saw a huge snow-capped volcano outside our window.  It is beautiful here and we are eager to get to work!  


  1. Wow it is so beautiful your view. We are thankful to have met you all...and will keep you in our prayers as you and Larry do the Lord's work.
    Sincerely Serving Him,
    Amy & Mark, Taylor,Hunter and Josiah

  2. How exciting and what a great view!!!
    Can't wait to hear more about how God moves in and thru you two

  3. Amanda, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! i like reading your's too and keeping up with y'all's adventure. (Do they say y'all in CR? i doubt it!) i hope Larry's job is going well and that you both are finding your place there.

  4. Welcome to Quito! It is beautiful here and the weather perfect!

  5. Lauren GravesSeptember 13, 2010

    amazing! We have and know the best Artist and Creator!
